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Placerville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Placerville Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Motorcycles are popular vehicles, and most riders are fortunate to enjoy their time riding without issue or injury. But unfortunately, motorcycle accidents can happen, and when they do, they often result in substantial damage. While these incidents can occur for the same reasons as all other vehicle accidents, motorcycles pose a few unique risks to their riders that passenger vehicle drivers do not face.

Legal Counsel for Injured Motorcycle Accident Victims in Placerville

It is not only essential to know the risks you face when riding your motorcycle in Placerville and how you can prevent accidents but also what to do if another motorist causes an accident with you. If you are unsure of your best options for legal recourse after another driver has caused a motorcycle accident, or if your injuries are too severe for you to pursue your recovery efforts on your own, the right attorney can make a tremendous difference in this difficult situation.

The Kreeger Law Firm has years of experience in Placerville personal injury law, and we know your unique challenges after a damaging motorcycle accident. We have helped many past clients recover better case awards than expected and can put this experience to work for you if another party bears fault in your motorcycle accident in the Placerville area.

Proving Liability for a Motorcycle Accident

The first step in your recovery efforts after a motorcycle accident is proving exactly how the accident happened and identifying the party responsible for causing it. It is possible for more than one party to bear fault for the incident, including the plaintiff. California upholds a pure comparative negligence law that requires fault to be assigned to all liable parties in proportion to their level of fault. For example, a judge may decide that a plaintiff bears 10% liability for their motorcycle accident, and this would result in the plaintiff losing 10% of their final compensation.

This is just one example of why having legal counsel you can trust after a motorcycle accident is crucial. Your attorney can help you gather the evidence you need to prove fault for the incident, and you may require their assistance in proving you did not contribute to causing the accident to preserve your final case award. Most motorcycle accident claims filed in Placerville pertain to acts of negligence, but it is also possible for a plaintiff to file a civil claim in response to intentional misconduct. Some of the most commonly reported causes of motorcycle crashes in the Placerville area include:

  • Speeding, which not only increases the likelihood of an accident happening but is also likely to increase the severity of the resulting damage. Speeding is a top-cited contributing factor in fatal motorcycle accidents.
  • Moving violations that disrupt traffic and startle nearby drivers, like running red lights and stop signs or performing illegal turns.
  • Inattentive driving. Every year, distracted driving is the top reported cause of all vehicle crashes in the United States, including motorcycle accidents. Even a second or two of distracted driving can easily cause a devastating crash.

Motorcycles provide little to no physical barrier that can cushion the impact of a crash, and any motorcycle accident is likely to propel the rider off their bike, resulting in secondary injuries from the impact of hitting the ground. If you were severely injured in your accident, you might not recall the moments leading up to the crash, and in this situation, an experienced Placerville motorcycle accident attorney is the ideal resource to consult.

Benefits of Legal Counsel After a Motorcycle Accident

Proving liability is an essential preliminary step before an insurance claim and/or personal injury claim against the party responsible for your accident. When you have an experienced Placerville motorcycle accident attorney representing you, this will inherently increase the chances of proving fault and succeeding with all your subsequent recovery efforts. The first phase of your recovery from a motorcycle accident is likely to be an insurance claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance policy. As long as they have insurance as required by state law, you should be able to secure some initial compensation for your damage with a good attorney’s assistance. If the insurance company pushes back against your claim unfairly or mishandles it in any way, your attorney can address these issues for you until you receive an acceptable settlement offer. Once you secure as much of a recovery as you can through insurance, the next phase of your recovery is likely to be a personal injury claim. For example, many motorcycle accidents result in catastrophic injuries, many of which generate permanent disabilities, diminished earning power, and difficulty managing basic everyday tasks. A personal injury claim enables you to secure compensation for all the medical treatment required to recover as much as possible from your injuries. This includes both immediate and anticipated future damage resulting from the incident. Along with your medical treatment costs, you can also claim property losses for the cost of repairing or replacing your bike if the at-fault driver’s insurance cannot fully cover this loss. You can also seek compensation for any income you lose if the accident leaves you unable to work for an extended time. If you suffer a permanent injury that prevents you from returning to work, you will need an experienced Placerville motorcycle accident attorney to hold the defendant accountable for your lost earning potential. The Kreeger Law Firm has years of experience handling a wide range of personal injury cases on behalf of Placerville clients, and we have helped many clients reach successful outcomes in their motorcycle accident claims. We develop a unique legal strategy for each client that addresses their individual concerns, and we provide ongoing support and guidance through all our clients’ recovery efforts. The sooner you connect with legal representation you can trust after an accident, the more likely you are to reach a positive outcome for all the recovery efforts you choose to pursue.
motorcycle accident lawyer placerville ca

FAQs About Placerville, CA Motorcycle Accident Laws

Q: Do I Need to Retain a Lawyer for a Minor Motorcycle Accident?

A: If you are involved in a minor fender-bender or low-speed parking lot accident on your bike, you may not need to brace for a complex series of legal proceedings as long as you were not seriously injured. If the at-fault driver stays at the scene and accepts responsibility, it’s possible to resolve a very minor accident with just an insurance claim. However, if there is any reason to doubt whether an accident needs to be reported, it is always a good idea to report it.

Q: How Do I Prove Liability for Motorcycle Accident Cases?

A: The method by which you must establish liability in a recent motorcycle accident will vary based on several factors. Most motorcycle accident claims revolve around acts of negligence. In this type of case, you would succeed by proving the defendant failed to uphold a certain duty of care in a manner resulting in damage. Alternatively, you may need to prove that a defendant broke the law or intentionally caused your injury. Your Placerville motorcycle accident attorney will advise you how you will likely need to prove liability for the accident.

Q: What Happens If I Share Fault for a Motorcycle Accident?

A: If you are found partially liable in your motorcycle accident, California’s pure comparative negligence law will apply to your case, and you will be assigned a fault percentage to reflect your level of fault. This percentage is then taken from your final case award. For example, bearing 25% fault in a $100,000 award would result in a loss of $25,000, or 25% of the case award. A good attorney is vital for countering false allegations of comparative fault or reducing your fault percentage if you are partially liable.

Q: Is Motorcycle Lane Splitting Illegal in the State?

A: Lane splitting can refer to two motorcycles riding next to one another in the same lane or a rider passing between slower-moving larger vehicles. While some states specifically outlaw the practice, the state does not enforce a law that forbids lane splitting. However, it is vital for all riders to know the inherent risks of engaging in any type of lane splitting.

Q: Is It Really Necessary to Hire a Placerville Motorcycle Accident Attorney?

A: Technically, there is no obligation to hire legal counsel if you intend to take legal action in response to the recent motorcycle accident you experienced. However, working with an experienced attorney is the best way to maximize any recovery efforts you choose to pursue, even after taking the cost of hiring an attorney into account.

The Kreeger Law Firm has successfully represented many past clients in a wide range of complex personal injury claims, including many cases that involve motorcycle accidents. Do not make the mistake of accepting a lowball settlement or thinking you can handle a personal injury claim on your own. Instead, contact us today and schedule a free consultation with a Placerville motorcycle accident attorney who can confidently guide you through your case.