Dramatic portrait of a woman wearing a gas mask in a ruined building.

Auburn Catastrophic Injury Attorney

When one party injures another party through recklessness, intentional misconduct, or simple negligence, this is a personal injury, and the victim has the right to seek compensation for their losses. Unfortunately, some personal injuries involve devastating losses, including permanent disabilities, lost earning capacity, and diminished ability to live independently. Some personal injuries are also deeply psychologically scarring, causing some victims to face distressing mental health conditions.

Legal Counsel for Auburn, CA, Catastrophic Injury Claims

A catastrophic injury can easily change the victim’s life and the lives of their closest family members very quickly. If another party bears fault for an injury of this magnitude, the victim and their family must exercise their best options for legal recourse. A personal injury claim represented by an experienced Auburn catastrophic injury attorney is the best option for securing compensation after a catastrophic injury.

The Kreeger Law Firm has years of experience representing California clients in a wide variety of personal injury cases, including those pertaining to catastrophic injuries and substantial economic losses. Our firm aims to provide every client with an individually tailored legal strategy. We identify each client’s unique challenges and opportunities, exploring all available avenues of compensation on their behalf.

Benefits of Legal Counsel in a Catastrophic Injury Claim

The right attorney handling your case not only increases your chances of success with the claim but also of maximizing the final recovery you obtain from the defendant. An experienced legal team can carefully review all aspects of your case, assisting you in gathering whatever evidence you may need to prove fault and demonstrate the full scope of your claimable damages. Attempting to handle your legal affairs while recovering from a catastrophic injury could be difficult or impossible. Relying on an experienced Auburn catastrophic injury attorney can give your family the flexibility and relief they need to focus on recovery with peace of mind.

An Auburn catastrophic injury attorney can handle court proceedings on behalf of their clients. This ensures all documentation is appropriately filed with the court and that no administrative red tape delays the client’s proceedings. Many personal injury claims filed in California end in settlement, but very complex cases may need to be resolved in litigation. The Kreeger Law Firm has extensive experience with difficult civil claims, and we are prepared to defend clients in court whenever necessary.

Ultimately, legal counsel significantly improves your chances of success with a catastrophic injury claim. Your attorney is also likely to uncover more opportunities for compensation than you may have initially expected. Therefore, it’s best to connect with an experienced Auburn catastrophic injury lawyer as soon as possible to evaluate your legal options and build your case.

Proving Fault for Personal Injury Accidents in California

A catastrophic injury is one that results in permanent disability, disfigurement, and/or diminished quality of life. Spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, severe crushing injuries, and any injuries that impact sensory performance, causing blindness or deafness, all qualify as catastrophic injuries. These injuries are extremely damaging and have a heavy financial impact on those afflicted with them.

Success with any personal injury claim requires the plaintiff to establish a few key facts. First, they must identify the defendant or defendants they believe to be responsible for their damages. They must also provide a complete list of all their claimed damages. Second, they must prove the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff but failed to fulfill it, resulting in the damages in question. Finally, the plaintiff must be prepared to show their claimed damages solely resulted from the defendant’s negligence and not some other cause.

An Auburn catastrophic injury attorney can help their client gather any evidence they require to establish fault for their damages. Some of the most common causes of catastrophic injuries that generate personal injury cases in California include:

  • Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of accidental injuries and deaths in the United States annually. Distracted driving, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and speeding are some of California’s most commonly cited causes of vehicle crashes.
  • Workplace accidents, some of which may entitle victims to workers’ compensation benefits. However, many injured workers must take legal action beyond workers’ compensation in response to catastrophic injuries at work.
  • Premises liability, such as slip and fall due to a property owner’s failure to maintain a reasonably safe premises. Property owners must address known or foreseeable safety hazards if lawful visitors are likely to encounter them while on their property.
  • Interpersonal violence. Unfortunately, California has a relatively high crime rate, and victims of some criminal acts may suffer life-changing injuries from violence.

An experienced Auburn catastrophic injury lawyer is a valuable asset regardless of the client’s case. The Kreeger Law Firm works closely with clients to help them identify the parties responsible for their damages before guiding them through difficult court proceedings. Our firm’s goal is to help every client maximize their recovery as much as state law permits.

catastrophic injury lawyer auburn ca

Damages and Compensation in Auburn, CA, Catastrophic Injury Claims

The plaintiff in a California personal injury claim has the right to seek full recovery from all economic damages sustained because of a defendant’s actions. In a catastrophic injury claim, these economic damages are likely to be extensive, and it’s possible that the plaintiff may not know how to calculate the true value of their case on their own. An Auburn catastrophic injury lawyer will help their client accurately appraise their damages.

Some catastrophic injuries result from incidents damaging the victim’s property, such as their home or vehicles. Plaintiffs can seek full compensation for property losses caused by a defendant’s actions, but plaintiffs’ damages primarily pertain to medical expenses in catastrophic injury cases. The defendant is liable for the cost of all medical treatments a plaintiff requires to heal from their catastrophic injury and manage their symptoms. For many plaintiffs, this includes lifelong medical care.

Many people who sustain catastrophic injuries are left unable to work. When an injury impacts the victim’s ability to work and earn income, the defendant is liable for lost wages during recovery. If the plaintiff cannot return to work because of the severity of their injury, the defendant is liable for their lost future earning potential.

Beyond economic damages, plaintiffs in catastrophic injury claims can also secure compensation for pain and suffering. Catastrophic injuries are extremely painful and likely to cause psychological trauma, especially when they result in permanent disabilities. An Auburn catastrophic injury attorney can help their client determine a fair amount of pain and suffering compensation to include in their claim that accurately reflects their condition.When a plaintiff has sustained a severe injury causing any level of permanent damage, their pain and suffering compensation could form the bulk of their final recovery.

Personal Injury Cases FAQ

Q: How Does an Injury Qualify as Catastrophic?
The term “catastrophic” may seem subjective, but California interprets this to mean any injury that results in permanent functional harm. If you are unsure whether your injury qualifies as catastrophic, you must consult an attorney who can review your medical treatment records. In addition, any injury likely to cause a long-term or permanent disability or diminish the victim’s quality of life can qualify as a catastrophic injury.

Q: How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Auburn Catastrophic Injury Attorney?
Most personal injury attorneys offer contingency fee pricing to their clients. With a contingency fee, the client pays no upfront legal fees and only owes the attorney a fee once they secure a settlement. The contingency fee is a percentage of the final case award, ensuring the client has the legal counsel they need to obtain the recovery they deserve. If the attorney does not secure a settlement for the client, the client pays nothing.

Q: How Long Does a Catastrophic Injury Claim Take to Resolve?
Some personal injury cases can be resolved relatively quickly when the parties involved are willing to negotiate. However, many factors can complicate the timetable of a personal injury case. Your Auburn catastrophic injury attorney can assess the details of your case and provide a rough estimate of the time it is likely to take to conclude.

Q: What Happens If I’m Partially at Fault for My Accident?
When a plaintiff bears partial responsibility for causing the damages claimed in a personal injury case, California’s pure comparative negligence law comes into play. The plaintiff loses a percentage of the final case award equal to their percentage of fault for causing the accident in question. Your attorney can help you determine whether you may bear partial liability for the recent catastrophic injury you experienced.

A catastrophic injury is a truly life-changing experience, and anyone in this situation will likely have many difficult legal questions. If you and your family are struggling in the aftermath of a catastrophic injury someone else caused, the Kreeger Law Firm can help. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with an experienced Auburn catastrophic injury lawyer.